Price list
On this page, you can find detailed information about the prices of my services.
In my office, you may encounter several types of fees, but you should always know in advance what amount you will be charged. Prior to beginning any work, I will provide you with the estimated time and hourly rate, which is based on the complexity and area of legal services to be provided. After specifying the assignment, you will be given the fee.
Initial 20-minute consultation free of charge; after that:
Hourly fee
This is the most common way of negotiating a fee is by setting an hourly rate. Hourly fee ranges:
For residents: ranging from CZK 2,200 to CZK 2,500.
For business corporations and entrepreneurs, ranging from 2500 CZK to 3500 CZK, you can take advantage of the FLAT FEE PACKAGES.
For start-up entrepreneurs: 2200 CZK for the first year of business, or you can use the FLAT FEE PACKAGES
Non-contractual remuneration
Suppose the lawyer’s fee for the legal services provided by him/her is not contractually agreed upon. In that case, its amount is governed by the legal regulation, the Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., the so-called Lawyer’s Tariff. However, the contractual fee is preferred.
Fees for acts
The legal services offered can be arranged for the so-called act fee, i.e., the price agreed for the processing of a specific legal act or the legal service provided. This is usually an agreed fee for the preparation of a contract revision, etc.
The fee is always agreed in advance, so you know what amount you will be charged.
I am a VAT payer, and therefore, the fee will always be increased by the respective VAT rate.